Project Description

First Regional Economic Development Strategy 1

Regional strategy of economic development

Within the project “EU-RED”
November 2004

Authors: EU-RED & REZ Agency

Format A4, PDF

Sustainable development in transition countries requires strategic development plans, as un-directed funding of individual projects, sectors or geographical areas leads to a waste of resources if there is no proper planning system. Therefore, BiH has recently developed a medium-term poverty reduction strategy and development plan.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the European Commission provides support for regional development, so, when BiH joins the European Union, it will ultimately lead to funding from the Structural Funds. This regional economic development strategy was coordinated by the new Regional Development Agency for Central BiH (REZ Agency), during an extensive consultation process within the region over the last 9 months, led by the EU RED project.Municipalities and other local government structures, together with a number of organizations and groups representing the private and public sectors, enthusiastically participated in discussions related to their economic future.The detailed draft of measures in this strategy is the result of their contribution and shows their commitment.

Much remains to be done to get Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economy back on its feet, and a regional strategy will help in these efforts. The strategy will serve as a handy document for investors, the government and the European Union. We hope that the government and other donors will use the strategy in planning their activities, so that strategic projects have the best possible effects.We wish the Central BiH Region and its development actors all the best in the implementation of the strategy.