Project Description

USAID CCA Project - Questionnaire for members of the Woodprocessing and Forestry Cluster of BiH 1

USAID CCA Project – Questionnaire for members of the Woodprocessing and Forestry Cluster of BiH

Data processing results

Customer: USAID CCA Project

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Possible impact of organizing B2B meetings and conferences on business performance during the past three years.

The following example shows the potential impact of business meetings (B2B) on the company’s business performance over the past three years. Therefore, such effect is not proven, because the firms did not explicitly asked to state of that respect. The companies that responded to the question on impact of “Organizing B2B B2B Meetings and Conferences” (Bad, Below Average, Average, Good, Excellent) were shown here, and their statements on what the annual sales increase was achieved.

The symmetric metric of the relation (see the following table) of the two categorical variables in the above example, in fact, proves that there is no particular correlation between the results. The variance of the variables is greater as the value is closer to the positive 1 (in range from -1 to 1). Therefore, it could lead to the conclusion that the increase in sales of “5-10%”, in the case of the selected example, was influenced by some other factors that were not shown in the analysis of the interrelationship between the variables “P2A213 Organization of B2B Meetings and Conferences” and “P4AA2a Business outcomes over the last three years – Increase of annual sales” or, at least, it was not included in the CCA Quest survey.