Project Description

Feasibility study for the establishment of industrial/business zones 1

Feasibility study for the establishment of industrial/business zones in the municipalities of the Central BiH region


September 2007

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The Regional Development Agency for the Central BiH region (hereinafter REZ Agency), based on the Regional Strategy for Economic Development of the Central BiH, with this Study begins the project of establishment and developing industrial (business/technological) zones/parks of the Central BiH region (hereinafter: CBiH). In the strategic objectives and development measures of CBiH, this Project has been recognized as significant and priority. It is especially in the function of contributing to addressing unemployment as one of the biggest and hottest problems in CBiH. Also, it creates initial assumptions for activating potential, unused or insufficiently used industrial capacities within the complex of former large business systems or the establishment of business industrial/business zones at brand new locations.

The problem that the Central BiH region faces, such is unemployment, rising poverty, and lagging behind in economic development is the consequence of the war and the problems that inevitably generate the transition process. Formerly the big business systems that laid the foundations of economic development and employed a large number of workers, today are mostly devastated and unable to independently find the paths of their revitalization. On the other hand, the newly-created private sector has not yet reached the scope of business activity that would absorb a larger number of unemployed, mitigate the consequences of the collapse of large business systems, and open the prospects for a new, balanced, self-sustaining and dynamic development.

The activities of the REZ Agency in the preparation of this Study are based on the practical implementation of the Strategy of Economic Development in the Central BiH region, and especially focused on the realization of:

  • Strategic objective No. 1 (developed productive environment together with innovative and effective business support services) with development priorities: developed manufacturing industry; developed SME sector and joint business activities; a developed competitive business environment, and
  • Strategic objective No. 3 (highly developed labor market, based on adjusted human resources and technological achievements) with development priorities: increasing labor market efficiency; interconnectedness of the complementary and regular education system with the labor market; a developed system for research, development, innovation and technology transfer.